Genel Cerrah

Fiziksel Aktivite Kanser ve Yayılma Riskini Azaltır

13 Eylül 2018

Fiziksel Aktivite Kanser ve Yayılma Riskini Azaltır
Haftada 150 dakika orta tempolu yürüyüş bizi kanserden ve yayılmasından koruyabilir! Kanser, tüm ölümler arasında kalp hastalığından sonra ikinci önde gelen ölüm nedenidir. Genel Cerrahi Uzmanı Op. Dr. Salim Balin konu hakkında bilgi verdi.

Cancer Research'ün 15 Kasım 2022 tarihli sayısında yayınlanan yeni araştırmaya göre, aerobik egzersiz metastatik kanser riskini yüzde 72 oranında azaltabilir. Çalışma, egzersizin akciğerler, karaciğer ve lenf düğümleri gibi metastazların sıklıkla geliştiği iç organlar üzerindeki etkisini araştıran ilk çalışmadır.

The findings showed that high-intensity aerobic exercise, which gets its energy from sugar, can reduce the risk of metastatic cancer. If the general message to the public so far has been ‘be active, be healthy’, it has now revealed how aerobic activity can maximize the prevention of the most aggressive and metastatic forms of cancer.

The study involved both mice and humans – mice trained under a strict exercise regimen and healthy human volunteers were studied before and after jogging.

The human data also came from an epidemiological study that followed 2,734 people for 20 years – during which time 243 new cases of cancer were recorded. The researchers found that there were 72 percent fewer people with metastatic cancer who reported exercising regularly compared to those who did not engage in physical exercise.

Başka bir çalışmada da egzersizin meme kanserinden ölüm riskini yüzde 46 ila 50 oranında azaltacağını ve nüks riskini yüzde 31 ila 50 oranında azaltacağını gösteren veriler var.

Clinically, it is suggested that exercise may have an antitumor effect through regulation of the metabolic profile by improving the body’s insulin sensitivity, thus contributing to glucose homeostasis, lowering steroid hormone levels, strengthening the immune system and helping us to resist cancer.

Cancer is not one disease, but the result of many diseases. Each requires its own specialized care and specific treatment strategy. But there is one thing about cancer that is easy to understand: It is much better not to get cancer in the first place. Op. Dr. Salim Balin ,”,”’How do we do that? By avoiding risks. We can start by keeping everything that causes cancer out of our lives. The most important of these is smoking. It is the primary cause of lung cancer and more than a dozen other cancers. And there are other causes: unhealthy diet, obesity, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol and sun exposure among others. By knowing the risk factors and avoiding them, you can help prevent cancer.

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