General Surgeon

Other Surgical Procedures

Hemorrhoidectomy (Hemorrhoid Surgery)

Hemorrhoids occur in four stages. In the initial stages (first and second), patients are usually recommended medication and lifestyle changes. Medical treatment may include hemorrhoid creams, ointments, suppositories, or oral medications. However, if medical therapy is ineffective, hemorrhoid surgery (hemorrhoidectomy) might be considered. Treatment options for hemorrhoids may include band ligation, sclerotherapy, laser, and radiofrequency methods. For advanced stages, where hemorrhoidal tissue protrudes outside the anal canal, surgical procedures like excision or stapler method may be performed. A newer method, laser hemorrhoidopexy, has also been introduced where the hemorrhoidal veins are sealed using a laser, preserving the surrounding tissues for faster healing. Post-operative care instructions will be provided by the doctor.

Anal Fissure Treatment

Anal fissure, a tear in the delicate anoderm tissue around the anus, can occur due to prolonged constipation or excessive straining during bowel movements. Healing can be challenging due to the sensitive nerve endings in the anal area. Often, the tear occurs around the 6 o'clock position of the anus. The body's healing response can be interrupted by repeated bowel movements, leading to chronic fissures. Proper treatment, which may include lifestyle changes, topical ointments, and sitz baths, is essential to promote healing and prevent recurrence.

Gallbladder Surgery (Cholecystectomy)

Gallbladder surgery, also known as cholecystectomy, involves the removal of the gallbladder, a pear-shaped organ responsible for storing bile. This surgical procedure may be performed either as an emergency or elective surgery, depending on the severity of symptoms and the patient's overall health. Cholecystectomy can be done using laparoscopic (minimally invasive) or open surgery techniques, both performed under general anesthesia.

Pilonidal Sinus Treatment (Pilonidal Cyst Surgery)

Pilonidal sinus, commonly found in young men under the age of 30, is a condition where a sinus tract forms beneath the skin, usually near the tailbone. The tract can get infected and fill with debris, hair, and skin remnants, causing pain and inflammation. Pilonidal cyst surgery involves draining the cyst, removing debris, and creating an opening to allow proper drainage, which helps promote healing.

Local Procedures

We also offer various local procedures, including:

  • Removal of Sebaceous Cysts (Oil Gland)
  • Excision of Skin Tags (meat me)
  • Genital Wart Removal (Genital Wart)
  • Ingrown Toenail Revision (Ingrown Nail Revision)

At our clinic, we prioritize patient care and safety, and our experienced team of surgeons ensures that each procedure is performed with utmost precision and attention to detail. Our aim is to provide effective and compassionate care to all our patients, helping them achieve a healthier and better quality of life.

Mon-Thu: 8:00 – 17:00
Friday: 08:00 – 14:00
5/5 Stars from 445+ Reviews
The information, images and comments on the surgical operations mentioned on this website are for informational purposes only. The decision on diagnosis, treatment and follow-up methods will be made by your physician.
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